Sunday, March 24, 2013

How old is that fish?

Steel head return to rivers when they are five or six and can live up to 8 years.  (credit

Chinook Salmon don’t live as long and return to rivers when they are typically around 4 years old – give or take a year. 

Chinook Salmon age comparison photo from the University of Washington

The fish I’m holding below is quite a bit older than any steelhead or salmon or trout I've ever caught – it’s even older than I am! 

Fossil Fish - age????????
My eldest daughter went to a Gem and Mineral show and found this “Rock Fish” (no – not the Stripers found in Chesapeake Bay) and bought it for me.  

I have no idea what species it is or if it’s full grown or just a baby.  But, it’s really a wonderful gift and will be cherished forever – Thank you!

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